Safeguarding Children:

Core Group Minutes

Where it is agreed that a child protection plan is required to keep a child safe, the child protection conference will establish a core group of practitioners who will work with the parents to agree and implement and child protection plan. The plan will build on existing strengths and work to address the worries that have made the plan necessary. The focus of the plan will be the lived experience of and outcomes for the child.

The core group will meet within ten days of the initial child protection conference and at least four weekly thereafter, with the final core group being held 10 working days before the review child protection conference. It will be chaired by the responsible social worker, although in exceptional circumstances, for example illness on the day, should go ahead without the social worker. The safeguarding partners in Blackpool have agreed that it is the shared responsibility of all core group members to minute meetings. The core group member responsible for minuting the meeting should make handwritten or typed notes on the following template, to be handed to the social worker following the meeting. The social worker will use these notes to create a record of the meeting and update the child protection plan. This will be circulated to core group members as soon as possible.

Core group meeting