Safeguarding Children:
Safe Area Requests
Safe Area Requests
The legislation regarding Safe Area Checks does not make reference to Safeguarding Partnerships having a role in providing this information and at the present time, Children’s Safeguarding Assurance Partnership does not comment on concerns or perception of risk in the locality.
However, we would ask that the organisation familiarise itself with the local Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) which covers a broad range of children and young people’s data which can be found at This document considers 5 factors which help to identify issues in Blackpool:
- Children are safe and protected from harm.
- Vulnerable children and families in need are provided with help and support
- Children have a healthy start to life and maintain healthy lifestyles
- Children develop well and achieve expected standards or beyond at all levels
- Young people progress into Employment, Education or Training and aspire to reach their full potential